Fossil Cephalopod References
Most of the information about fossil
cephalopods in Utah came from the following publications.
A. A., 1964, Geology of the Orem Quadrangle, Utah, U.S.G.S. Map GQ-241
Baker, A. A., 1972, Geologic Map of the Bridalveil Falls Quadrangle,
Utah, U.S.G.S. Map GQ-998
Barrois, Charles, and de Guerne, Jules,, 1878, Description de quelques
especes nouvelles de
la Craie de l'est du Bassin de Paris, Societe
Geologique du Nord Annales, v. 5
Boule, M., Lemoine, P., and Thevenin, A., 1907, Cephalopodes Cretaces
des environs de
Diego-Suarez (Madagascar), Annales Paleontologie,
Vol. 2, Pt. 1
Brayard, A., Bruhwiler, T., Bucher, H. and Jenks, J., 2009, Guodunites,
A Low-Palaeolatitude
and Trans-Panthalassic Smithian (Early Triassic)
Ammonoid Genus, Palaeontology, Vol. 52,
Part 2
Brayard, A., Bylund, K. G., Jenks, J. F., Stephen, D. A., Olivier, N.,
Escarguel, G., Fara, E., and
Vennin, E., 2013, Smithian ammonoid faunas from Utah:
implications for Early Triassic
biostratigraphy, correlation and basinal
paleogeography, Swiss Journal of Palaeontology 132 (2)
Brayard, A., Jenks, J.F., Bylund, K.G., Olivier, N., Vennin, E.,
Stephen, D.A., Escarguel, G.,
and Fara, E., 2021, Latest Smithian (Early Triassic)
ammonoid assemblages in Utah (western
USA basin) and their implications for regional
biostratigraphy, biogeography and placement of
the Smithian/Spathian boundary, Geobios
Brayard, A., Olivier, N., Vennin, E., Jenks, J.F., Bylund, K.G.,
Stephen, D.A., McShinsky, D.,
Goudemand, N., Fara, E., Escarguel, G., 2020, New
middle and late Smithian ammonoid
faunas from the Utah/Arizona border: New evidence for
calibrating Early Triassic transgressive
-regressive trends and paleobiogeographical signals
in the western USA basin, Global and Planetary
Change, 192