Pendleian age rocks in the Chainman Shale include the upper beds of the Camp Canyon Member and the Willow Gap Limestone Member. The fossil cephalopods shown below are from these rocks in the Confusion Range and Burbank Hills of western Millard County.
References:Flower, R. H., and Gordon, M., Jr.,
1959, More Mississippian Belemnites, Journal of Paleontology Vol. 33
no. 5; Titus, A. L., 2000, Late Mississippian (Arnsbergian Stage E2
Chronozone) Ammonoid Paleontology and Biostratigraphy of the
Antler Foreland Basin, California, Nevada, Utah, UGS Bull. 131;
Kullman, J., Korn, D., and Petersen, M. S., 2000, GONIAT
Database System, version 2.90, Tubingen
See some Pendleian age
rocks here
Stenoglaphyrites merriami (Youngquist)
This specimen is 81mm dia.
Top Left: Stenoglaphyrites merriami
(Youngquist) 1949
Top Center and Right: Eosyngastrioceras
quadratum Titus 2000
Bottom Left: Hematites barbarae
Flower and Gordon 1959 an Aulacocerid
67mm long
Bottom Center: Reticycloceras sp.
a Nautiloid
Bottom Right: Paracravenoceras
barnettense (Plummer and Scott) 1937 (Plun
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