On the northwest side of the Confusion Range the Chainman
Shale is exposed around the Bishop Springs Anticline. The Pilot Shale
of Devonian and Early Mississippian age, MDp, crops out in the
center of the anticline
covered by the Joana Limestone, Mj. The Skunk Spring Limestone
Mcs, of the Chainman Shale, and the Camp Canyon Member, Mcc,
are exposed in places around this anticline. Concretions containing Goniatites
americanus, Ga, Goniatites multiliratus, Gm,
and the Lusitanoceras granosus, Lg, fauna are common
In this photo the foreground is littered with small 25mm to 50mm orange
concretions, some containing fossil cephalopods, mostly Mitorthoceras
Fossil Cephalopods from this location