Ibexian Series, Blackhillsian Stage
Zone J Cephalopods

The fossils in the top 3 photos were found on a hardground, probably in the Wah Wah Limestone in a fault block in the northern end of Tule Valley near Skull Rock Pass.  the bottom 3 were found in algal-sponge reef deposits.  Because endocerids are so rare in the Wah Wah, these may be from the Juab Limestone, Zone L, in the same or another fault block.


a Protocyclocerid


a small Orthocone


a small Orthocone, you can barely make out
traces of the phragmocone on either side


Portion of a large Endocerid endosiphuncle

close up

Close-up of the photo above showing a portion of the phragmocone


hard to see, just below the hammer, a large phragmocone with a very large space for the siphuncle.
to the right is an endosiphuncle from an endocone.

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